Friday, February 18, 2011

100 FREE tips to get rid of fat forever! TIP #16 THE IMPORTANCE OF FEELING GOOD

                                                      100 TIPS IN 100 DAYS
                                      TIP #16 THE IMPORTANCE OF FEELING GOOD

     I keep mentioning in other tips that you have to feel good.  And I keep mentioning that the releasing of endorphins can help you to burn fat and feeling good causes these to release.  But there are a ton of other reasons why feeling good is so important.

     Feeling good gives you energy, you are more likely to exercise and experience life when you feel good, you will have less stress (and stress adds on pounds) when you feel good, saratonine and endorphins are released giving you relaxation, calm, and happiness, and you are more likely to attract not only positive situations, but also positive outcomes, when you feel good.

     Did you know that you can have anything you want in life, and a big part of getting anything is feeling good.  There are other parts to it as well, and some of those key ingredients to having ANYTHING you want are ....

     1. You must have a burning desire to make it yours
     2. You must EXPECT it to be yours and EXPECT it to happen without a doubt
     3. You must believe that you are worthy of having whatever it is that you are wanting
     4. You must believe that it is already yours and act as though it is already in your posession
     5. You must be positive and only talk, think, and speak about what it is you are wanting in a positive   maner, leaving out everything it is you do not want - never talk about what you don't want again.
     6. Do everything you possibly can to make it yours, act as though it were impossible to fail, stop at nothing and put productive action into any moment you can.
     7. Reach for happy thoughts and feel good thoughts.  Make sure you are feeling good ALL THE TIME
The more you feel good, the more likely it is to be yours.
     8. Everyday, visualise and see yourself already in posession of it, make sure this is a detailed visualisation, use your imagination, and feel like you are actually physically there.
     9. Practice practice practice, the more you practice, the more of an expert you become.  You can use trial and error, don't be afraid of mistakes, mistakes are learning stones, use them as that and practice
    10. Don't care about what others think or say, it doesn't make sense to let their opinions get in your way.
    11. Have clearly, precise and very detailed goals and action plans written out (that you know you can reach) and give yourself time limits to reach them by - goals should be in steps, believable to you, and you should work hard to make sure you reach them by their time limit.  You should have short term and long term goals, and keep them in mind at all times, while concentrating on taking steps of your short term goals with daily action plans.
     12. Constantly be looking at your goals, everyday, keep reminding yourself what needs to be done, make sure you also read and write a daily action plan to carry these goals out and stick to them.
     13. Meditate, you don't realise how important meditation is until you start using it and see how well it works for you.  Use meditation for relaxation, to clear your mind, and also for mental re-programming.  You can use meditation to change your thoughts and find solutions to problems you seek answers to.
     14. Connect with a higher power (whatever it is that you believe that power is - God, Ala, Buddah, Jesus, your dead relatives, energy itself, the universe, whatever it is there is, there is some force of energy around us and through us, connect with it and ask it for help, guidence, and direction and expect to get an answer)
     15. Never stop learning, keep researching, studying and learning about whatever it is that you want.

     If you could live your life by these 15 rules, and I mean really follow them to a T, (not follow them one day and not the next, and not follow some of them and not the others, and actually make sure you are doing them correctly) you can have anything you want, and your body is included in that.  If you could think this way on a regular basis, and with practice and repitition, you can, then you can have whatever body it is that you want.

     A HUGE part to this formula is being happy constantly, if you could be happy all the time, ALL of the other steps would come SO incredibly easy to you that it won't feel like work at all, but if you can't find reasons and ways to keep yourself happy, then all of these steps can actually become a real chore!

     Find reasons to be happy and feel good.  If you can't find a reason, make one up, be happy that the sky is blue today or if you like rain, be happy if it is raining.  Be happy that you can hear or see, touch, smell or taste.  Just find reasons to be completely happy and feel good, it is very important for a lot of reasons.

So, TIP #16 find excuses to feel good, look for reasons to be happy, make sure you are living a happy, feel good life at all times if possible.  Your entire future depends on it, so look at it that way and reach for things that feel good. 

For more information and all of the 100 tips to get rid of weight forever, log onto
I'll be more than happy to answer any of your questions and help you in your journey!

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