Saturday, February 12, 2011

100 FREE tips to get rid of fat forever! TIP #9 STOP CARING ABOUT WHAT OTHERS THINK!!

                                                             100 TIPS IN 100 DAYS
                              TIP #9 STOP CARING ABOUT WHAT OTHERS THINK!

  Sometimes this may be harder then it sounds.  We all want approval from others for some reason, but we all need to understand that approval from others is not important.  It is only important that we approve of ourselves.  No matter what your decisions are, if you are okay with them, forget what others think.

  Caring too much about what others think of you will stop you from reaching your goals.  If you are feeling confident and someone tries to tear your confidence down, you need to choose to not listen to them and not care what they think.  You want to avoid confrontation, you want to be thinking positive and happy thoughts all the time, so don't get sucked into an argument.  Just flat out ignore them and don't respond.  Sometimes I literally have to plug my ears and act like a child and walk away to avoid even hearing what someone has to say.  It may sound silly, but if that's what you feel like you need to do in the moment, just do it.

  Do whatever you can to make sure that you don't let what others think and say affect you, and that you don't let yourself care what others think.  Be yourself and let your own personality shine, if others don't like it, oh well.  Whether you know it or not, people are usually attracted to the person who is comfortable just being themselves because they truly don't care what others think about them.  And the person that cares too much about what others think about them, are easy targets, people will continue to bash these types of people because they know they can.

  By not caring about what others think, it is easier to change those thought patterns in your subconcious mind that we talked about in tip #8, and it is easier to see yourself in the image you need to see yourself in, in order to become it.  By caring about what others think, you stop yourself from reaching goals, so don't do it.  And don't give into bad advice, if someone is telling you how your new way is not going to work, stop talking to them about anything!  This is a sure sign that these are negative people who will bring you down any chance they can get.  Just because someone else doesn't have the determination to change their life, doesn't mean you don't, and just because someone else doesn't believe in you, doesn't give you an excuse not to.

 So, TIP #9, stop caring about what everyone thinks, ignore them, brush them off, plug your ears, walk away, do what you have to do, but STOP CARING ABOUT WHAT THEY THINK, only care about what YOU think.  And YOU should be thinking about yourself in a wonderful, great way.

For more information and all of the 100 tips to get rid of weight forever, log onto
I'll be more than happy to answer any of your questions and help you in your journey!

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